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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

               White Horse shoe is also utterly beneficial in Romance affairs and eliminates the obstacles in Marriage and one can get his Beloved instantly .                                           


     The horse shoe of white horse is placed in the home or any other premises for the purpose of well being and welfare's well as for eradication  of the hindrance and impediments it also prevents form incidents and evil eye.it bears a lot of benefits .
The best horse shoe is of the White horses of Arbic breed which is worn to the horses in the holy month of Muharrram-ul-Haram .keeping it helps in great benefits and gains in games gambles ,bets and stakes etc.
The White horse shoe is also utterly beneficial in romance affairs and also eliminates  the obstacles in marriage and one can get  his beloved instantly .
It is quite necessary to ritualized  the horse shoe  which i perform on my talisman and inscribed        white horse horses Shoe is considered very lucky and used to be hung in many homes to protect and attract good fortune for the family residing inside. As with many superstitions, there are contradictions to be found with the beliefs associated with the horseshoe. For instance, many believe that to hang it with the ends pointing upwards is good luck as it acts as a storage container of sorts for any good luck that happens to be floating by where is to hang it with the ends pointing down is bad luck as all the good luck will fall out. Others believe that no matter which way you hang the horseshoe, good luck will come. According to this superstition the ends-pointing-down display simply means that the good luck is able to flow out and surround the home. If the horseshoe is hung over a doorway, ends up will catch good luck and ends down will let the good luck spill over the door and stop evil from entering. Perhaps a combination of the two was used so that after a few days, when the horseshoe was filled with good luck, it would then need to be emptied so that residents could benefit from that luck and the process would be repeated until the end of time.
 Early horseshoes were made to hold seven nails -- seven is considered a lucky number. The earliest horseshoe beliefs started in Greece, where the first horseshoes were made during the fourth century BC. The Greeks of this time noted it’s resemblance to the crescent moon, which was believed to a symbol of fertility and good fortune. Horseshoes were also made of Iron, which was believed to ward off evil and weaken nature spirits.
  St Dunstan gave the Horseshoe special power against Evil in around 959 ad. Before he became the Archbishop of Canterbury  he was a blacksmith by trade. One day while at his forge he was approached by a suspicious stranger. The stranger asked for horseshoes to be attached to his feet.  Dunstan noticed that the mans feet were actually cloven. The suspected the stranger was actually Satan himself.  He agreed to do the work, but explained he would need to shackle the man to the wall to do so.  Dunstan proceeded to make the process excruciatingly painful so soon Satan was begging for mercy. The future St Dunstan made the Devil agree to an oath to never enter a house where a horseshoe was displayed 
above the door.
  As time passed, the horseshoe was held in such high esteem that it went from it’s place from above the door, to mid door.  The function also changed over the years and not only was it a talisman against evil, but it became a way to announce your presence.  This is why so many door knockers have a horseshoe shape to them.
Other worldly horseshoe Lore:
 If you find a horseshoe, rub it seven times while making a wish.
 If you see a horseshoe, spit on it, make a wish, and throw it over your shoulder. If you pick it up with your right hand, throw it over your left 
shoulder; if you pick it up with your left hand, throw it over your right shoulder.
In Buddhism the horse is one of the 12 animals in the Asian 60 year cycle. The last year of the horse was 2007 and was considered a very fortunate year. 
 A blacksmith who made horseshoes was able to perform a type of white magic against witches. Oaths about marriages, real estate contracts and business contracts were sworn upon anvils rather than bibles.
(Irish incantation against evil and illness.)

 Make a wish for good luck when you hang a horseshoe on a wall. Just having a horseshoe hung is supposed to bring good luck. You have two choices of how to hang it: Hang it with the ends pointing up, so it captures and holds good luck for you. Hang it with the ends pointing down, so the magic in the horseshoe pours out good luck for you
 For the Hindus the horse is a very spiritual animal that is very close to the gods.  They believe that horses' parents were heaven and earth and that horses belonged to the same race "devajata" as the Gods.

   If you see a horseshoe, throw it over your head, quickly put your hands over your ears, and make a wish. (Some traditions say that if you toss a 'wished-on' horseshoe, you should not hear it land or see where it falls.)
United States)
 Many cultures around the world consider the horseshoe to be good luck and or a way to ward off Evil. The mystical connections of the horse shoe are many.  First off, it is made of Iron usually.  Iron is generally accepted as having powers against Evil and faries.

  Secondly the shape of the horse shoe is a crescent. This shape is often associated with goddess worship and the Moon. These were  worshiped by a large number of proto civilizations. This association with these traditions is why the crescent is considered a protective shape.

  Thirdly there is the association of the shoe with the horse itself. The horse has been revered and even worshiped by many cultures throughout time. This also seems to be a world wide phenomenon. Among early Celts, Slavic peoples and the Teutons, that the horse is considered a Luck Bringer.  Often these cultures have a tradition of reverence for the horse. There is a tradition in Ireland that the horseshoe has special meaning due to the presence of the horse and the ass at the birth of Jesus.

 So take an item that is made of a protective material, made in a shape that is considered a protective shape.  Add in the association with a 
beloved and revered powerful animal, and you have a perfect combination for an item of great mystical significance. 

  There is no one tradition that can lay claim to the origin of the horseshoe myths.  It seems that throughout  human history the need to gain protection from something greater then themselves runs deep in our genes. Who knows, there are things our ancestors knew about that we are just beginning to “rediscover”.                                                               

It has been supposed that the horse-shoe is placed at the outer entrance to a building because of an ancient Saxon superstition that witches were unable successfully to practice their wiles upon persons in the open air. The horse-shoe effectively bars the ingress of witches and evil spirits, but an entrance once obtained by these creatures, it is powerless to expel them. Therefore the horse-shoe within doors loses much of its efficacy, but is still an emblem of good luck.
Placed on the outside of the door, or above the entrance of a dwelling, or upon the threshold, the horseshoe is easily first among the inveterate foes of witches and devils generally.
Edward Moor, in his "Oriental Fragments" (p. 455, London, 1834), relates having once, in company with a gang of urchins, nailed a donkey-shoe under the threshold of a poor woman in Suffolk who was suspected of sorcery. He and his youthful companions endeavored thus to keep her all night within doors, as witches cannot cross iron.
An English writer tells of having heard an animated discussion in the parlor of a London beer-shop as to whether it were preferable to nail a horse-shoe behind the door or upon the first doorstep; and instances of extraordinary good luck were mentioned as the direct result of the potency of the amulet in each position.
But there are weighty reasons for the selection of the front door, or the parts immediately connected with it, as the proper place for the display of horse-shoes as household guardians.
In the earliest historic times, and in primitive communities, the entrance of a dwelling was considered a sacred place; and in the opinion of eminent scholars who have made a study of the subject, the threshold was the first family altar. A peculiar reverence for the doorway and threshold prevails to-day in many parts of the world, as is evident from the numerous ceremonial rites in vogue among widely separated savage tribes and uncivilized peoples. Indeed, the custom of placing amulets and charms in and about the entrance-doors of houses, stables, and other buildings is almost universal. In Russia a cross is marked on the threshold to keep witches away. In Lithuania, when a house is being built, a wooden cross, or some article which has been handed down from past generations, is placed under the threshold. There, also, when a newly baptized child is being brought back from church, it is customary for its father to hold it for a while over the threshold, "so as to place the new member of the family under the protection of the domestic divinities." Sick children who are supposed to have been afflicted by an evil eye are washed on the threshold of their cottage, in order that with the help of the Penates who reside there, the malady may be driven out of doors.
Under the threshold of the Assyrian palaces at Nineveh were found certain images of grotesque monsters, as, for example, a human form with the head of a lynx, and a lion's body with a man's head, which were intended as tutelary deities.
John Netten Radcliffe, in his "Fiends, Ghosts, and Sprites" (p. 43, London, 1854), says that the horse-shoe superstition is a remnant or relic of the worship of household guardians or divinities,--a practice still in vogue among the natives of Ashantee, and also among the Bhutas of Hindostan. In some English counties, naturally perforated stones are hung behind the door; and in Glamorganshire the walls of the houses are whitewashed in order to terrify wandering spirits of evil. Whether successful or not for this purpose, the custom is certainly effective as a destroyer of the demoniac germs of certain diseases.
The French Canadians are not the least superstitious of mankind, neither do they wholly neglect to take due precautions against the admittance to their homes of evil spirits.
They do not answer "Entrez!" when a knock is heard at the door, but call out "Ouvrez!" This custom is said to have originated from a current tradition regarding a young woman who once answered "Entrez!" in response to a knock, whereupon the Devil promptly came in and carried her away. Where such legends find open-mouthed credence, it does not appear strange that horse-shoes and other talismans should be at a premium.
In Tuscany magical medicines are taken upon the threshold, which also plays an important part in sorcery. One reason assigned for this fact is that the threshold forms the line separating the outer world, where demons are rampant, from the domestic precincts, where human beings dwell.
One writer affirms it to be a fixed law in demonology that spirits cannot cross the threshold and enter a house unless previously invited to do so, but adds that there are many exceptions to this rule. The weight of evidence does not support this view, for mischievous fairies and witches are known to rudely disregard the laws of etiquette, and do not wait for an invitation to enter dwellings. This fact is, indeed, a chief raison d'être for the use of talismans at the entrance of habitations.
The residents of the beautiful Thuringian Forest region, in whose neighborhood these lines chanced to be penned, are wont to affix horse-shoes to the thresholds of their chamber-doors, lest some rude goblin enter and disturb their slumbers. But the fastidiousness of these sylvan folk is not content with an ordinary shoe, even though found on the road and venerable with rust; in order to serve its purpose as a talisman, a Thuringian horse-shoe must have been forged by a bachelor of wholesome life and good character, on Saint John's Eve.
In German households, the horse-shoe over the door is believed to afford protection against divers apparitions, as well as against the Devil, witchcraft, lightning, sickness, and evils of very sort.
The cross, symbol of the Christian faith, is the most potent of all talismans, but is seldom seen at the entrance of dwellings. In some Roman Catholic countries the crucifix is, indeed, everywhere conspicuous, not only in churches and shrines, but by the roadside, in fields, and on the outer ways of houses, but it is rarely placed at the front door. In Hungary, however, the Magyars mark with black chalk the figure of a cross upon their stable-doors, and also brand anew thereon the sacred emblem each year at Christmas time.
The respect paid by the inhabitants of Tibet to their household divinities somewhat resembles the worship of their Lares by the Romans of old, and finds a parallel in the honor accorded to the favorite amulet of Western civiezation, the horse-shoe.
The Tibetans set up above the entrances of their houses complex talismans, composed of various mystical objects, such as a ram's skull with horns attached, having displayed along the base of the skull pieces of carved wood representing a man and woman, a house, and other symbols; the idea being to deceive the demons, and to make them believe that these objects are the real dwelling and its inmates. The Tibetans believe that the demons are thus tricked, and that the wooden images are the victims of their mischievous designs.
Far away among the nomadic tribes of Turkestan, horse-shoes are occasionally seen nailed to the thresholds of dwellings in the vicinity of the ancient city of Merv; and within doors, near the entrances of these peculiar habitations, which resemble mammoth parrot cages, pieces of linen or calico, four or five inches square, are seen upon the felt wall-lining, to serve as receptacles for the free-will offerings of such wandering spirits as may pass the magic barriers of the horse-shoes.
In some regions there still prevails a time-honored custom of placing over the chief entrances of dwellings inscriptions, embodying usually a religious thought or exhortation. Sometimes, however, the sentence commends the house and its occupants to the care of the goddess Fortune, thus having a significance akin to that of the horse-shoe symbol. In the year 1892 the writer copied many inscriptions found above the doors of houses in northern Italy and Switzerland, some of them being written in Latin, others in German, French, Italian, and the Romansch dialect, current in the Engadine. Here, for example, is one from a house in the Swiss village of Bergun, the original being in German: "This house is in God's hand; May Good Luck come in, and Bad Luck stay out! 1673."
Many of these inscriptions are Biblical verses, which are here used as talismans, just as the pious Moslem employs sentences from the Koran.
Here, again, is the translation of a German sentence over the door of a dwelling in the village of Ober-Schönberg, near Innsbruck, Tyrol, copied in 1897:
All persons entering this house are recommended to Divine protection. God and the Virgin Mary guard all such, even though powerful enemies threaten, and lightnings and thunder rage without!
Above the door of a house in the village of Welschnofen, near Botzen, the wayfarer may read the following sentence: "Pray for us, holy Florian, that fire may not harm our dwelling." Above the inscription an eye is painted, while below is a realistic picture of Saint Florian, the protector of buildings against fire, engaged in pouring water on a burning roof.
The Bassamese, inhabitants of the Gold Coast of Africa, west of Ashantee, use certain fetich objects for the protection of their dwellings. These amulets, which are often merely pieces of wood painted red, or fragments of pottery, are placed upon the doors of their huts, and are believed to afford ample protection against thieves. Such a fetich is probably intended to exclude evil spirits as well, and is, therefore, a substitute for both the horse-shoe and the watch-dog, those guardians of the household so popular in civilized communities.
When a modern Egyptian returns from a pilgrimage to Mecca, he fastens above the entrance of his house a branch of the aloe, which is not only a proof of his religious zeal in having accomplished the holy journey, but is also reckoned a protection against objectionable spiritual intruders, and is, therefore, seen in Cairo over the doors of the houses both of Christians and Jews.
In northern Scotland, formerly, a branch of the rowantree was placed over a farmhouse door, after having been waved while the words "Avaunt, Satan!" were solemnly pronounced.
About the year 1850 the Rev. Andrew A. Bonar, who was then assistant minister in Collace Parish, Perthshire, Scotland, found the custom of displaying horseshoes on the doors of farm buildings so prevalent that he thought it his duty to remonstrate against a practice savoring of paganism. But his efforts in this direction, though hardly crowned with success, were yet not wholly without avail his superstitious parishioners removed the guardian horse-shoes from the outsides of the doors, and nailed them up on the insides.                                                                                                                                                                                      



yeh  u shakal wali  White horse shoe talisman  aksar  ghar ke  bhar   vehicles main ya industries  main  lagi hui  dikhai deti hai .yeh bohat purasraar hai. 

aur kai advantages  ki hamil hai.yeh kuch images  main yahan share kar raha hon in images ke circle main ap ko White horse shoe dekhai degi aur har rohaniat say interest rakhny wala shaks  is ki afadiyat  ka kaail hai white horse shoe  ghore jab chalte han tu  in ki naal ya horse shoe zameen se takrati hai tu ragar peda hoti hai jisse zabardast  magnetic power peda hoti hai jisko arabic  me jazab-ul-qulub yani dilon ko taksir karnay ki takat kaha jata hai
white horse shoe me zabardast qesam ka talisman hai. Is me zabardast qesam ke mukhfi or karamati asrat poshedah han.safeed rang ko pori dunya me pakeezgi,noor,wasat,khushhali,asoodgi ki alamat samjha jata hai.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w jab arsh par meraj par gaye the un ki sawari {borak} ka color safeed tha.Mali badhali or mufalisi me zindagi basar karne wale shaks ko white horse shoe Allah ke hokam se ameer or khushhal banadeta hai.husband or wife or do muhabat karne walo me koi bad kesmati ya judai  waqia nhn hone deta or jes ghar me har waqt larai jagrah hota rehta ho,family member me miss understanding ho tu white horse talisman rakhne se famliy member ghar me izzat or aihtaaram or piyaar, muhabat se rehte hain.. tabiyat ajeeb becheeni bekarari ,ghar me dil na lagna,ghar se baher har cheez achi lagna or ghar me ghutan ka feel karna ghar se nafrat karna bachon se bezaari or wife par ghussa karna.ik couple me ya do muhabat karne walo me judai par gai ho ya husband wife me divorce hone wali ho ye white horse shoe talisman tamam muhabat ke masail Allah ke hokam se hal kardeta hai.
White horse shoe kiya cheez hai?Is me kiya jadui mukhfi asrat han jo Hell jese ghar ko heaven  banadete han? 
 Sabse ziyada mukhfi asrat konse ghorah me hote han?
 konse ghorah or kitne holes wali ghoreh ki naal me mukhfi asrat poshedah hote han or bohat si baten is topic par apse share karoga . 

White horse shoe No doubt darasal aik universal Talisman  hai yeh apko  Europe,Canada,china america Denmark main apko huts numa hotels,house horse shoe ki tarah dikhai den ge.china main aik hotel hai jo horse shoe ki tarah bana hua hai White horse shoe aik universal Talisman .



  Historical Background of White horse shoe.                                                                          

Research se ye sabit hota hai k White horse shoe ki history bohat hi adeem  aur purani  dor mein log ghoray paalte thy .aur ghora power ya  taqat ke alamat  Symbol of power samja ja ta tha  aur  pori history tarikh bhari pari  hai.ye talisman har  Religion   or har Culture  saqafat  mai numaya raha hai or her mazhab  aur culture ne is ke  makhfi asrat ko mana jata hai sub se ziada Arab ke  famous   muslim  Scholars ne research ki hai or is se mutallaq mukhtalif zabano mai amliyat ki kitabain bhi likhi hain jis mai  safed ghory ki naal ka wazeha zikr hai.muslim rohani ulama ki research k mutabiq  White horse shoe ki naal mai kuch aisy secret makhfi asrat mojood hain jo insan k bad luck ko khatam kr  dete hain jis se  .admi ameer aur khush haal ho jata hai wesay to pori doniya bhari pari hai horse shoe ke historical backgrorund se

Fatahpoor india sicry mai ye white horse shoe jaga jaga lagi hui nazar ati hain.

The good luck of White horse shoe.

Jese k hame micro biology se maloom hota hai k insan per mukhtalif qism k virus unicelluer or chlymabomanors.There are many deseases  belong to virus ,bactiria,fungus.there are the common example of unicelluer interior willage were is no more facilities found in a Villages many peoples suffring from different kinds of human diseases.
Micro scopic virus insani jism per is tarha hamla awar hoty hain k  dikhai nahi dety lekin in k hamly se insan bemar hojata hai  ye dikhai na deny k bawjood bhi feel kiye ja sakty hain or ye har insan pe hamla kar sakty hain koi bhi insan is se  Safe nahi hai.mualij ya doctor k mashwary se  Human medicine  khany se ya parhaiz karny se insan thek hojata hai.
Isi tarha sitaron k buray asrat,nazar bad,hasad,jalan or kalay jadu ya bad rooh k asrat  etc micro scopic virus ki tarha insani jism ko lag jatay hain or DNA's ki tarha barhty chaly jatay hain.or yeh bad asrat dekhai nahi deti sirf in bad asrat ko feel ya  kiya jasakta hai. apnay Relative ya  paros mai   main kuch aese log hote hai jo   kisi  insan ki taraqi happy life ko dekh kar jal tay hai ya koi new car ya New home kharidta  hai to yeh andar andar   se jealous hotay hain. ya family main Relative jo k khofiya dushman hotay hain Jaise ke family main ya mohalle gali main kuch aise badniyat Evil mind log hote hain jo kisi ko khush hota hua nhn dekh sakte .agar ap  koi nai car naya ghar ya koi nai cheez khareedte hai to apko nazar bad laga dete hain jaise ke quran pak main Allah pak ne  sureh falak main irshad farmaya hai 'hasad karne wale or kala ilam karne walon se  mehfooz rehne ke liye kaha hai or is hadees main aya hai ke hasad karne wala ka hasad uske nek amaal ko aise kha jata hai  jaise aag lakrionko ...hasad karne wale ki nazar apko tarah tarah ki problems main phsa deti hai ..or aise lagta hai jaise kisi ne bandish kar di ho ap apne ap ko har tarah se bad qismat samajhne lagte hain.aur log apse gair  mehsos tareeke  se khichne lagte h kai log dil hi dil main andar se jalte rehte hain.
 apse gair mehsoos tareeke se nafrat karne lag jate hain or apko nae kaam ya new contract  bhi nhn milta laakh koshish ke bawajood.family main ya mahalle main log jealous ho kar hasad main kala jado kar k ghar main gandi cheezain  daal dete hai kaly kutay ki bachon ki mussan etc hain jis se admi tarah tarah ke problems mein par jata hai   koi ek family member different diseases main mubtala ho jata hai.or aise badniyat log gande ilm jaisi cheezen' masan kale kutte ke chote bachon ki masan  wagera ya itar Perfeum ghar main chirak dete hain
ya masan  ko itar ya perfume main mila kar apke jisam par laga dete hain.
duniya ke  most intelligent log safed ghore ki nal apne gharon ya shops ,Hotels casino mian lagatay hai .aur safid  ghore ke naal ki bani hui talisman Ring phente hain.
aur world main most intelligent people apne gharon homes ,offices shops ,casinos main safid ghore ke naal ya as ka talisman lagatay hai .
white Horse shoe ki ye ability hai yeh Money ko apni taraf attract karti hai.aur rupia paise ko apni taraf khenchti hai.

aj ke is doar main kuch log bohat ameer se ameer hote ja rahe hain or kuch gareeb se gareeb hote ja rahe hain or bohat log gurbat or iflaas main zindagi guzar rahe hai or qarz le kar apna or biwi bachon ka pait paal rahe hain.
 logon ke maashi or iqtasadi haalat means economical and financial  haalat din ba din kharab hote ja rahe hain or bohat log gurbat ki nichli satah par zindagi guzar rahe hain.
 gurbat or iflaas ki wajah se log apni aulaad ko baich rahe hain
isi wajah se khudkushi kar rahe hain.Allah pak ne har bimari or marz ke lliye aisi chezen duniya main bhej di hain jinko istemaal karne se bari se bari bimari khatam ho jati hai aisa is liye hota hai ke doctors or surgen  hakeem log aisi dawaen ya medicines banate hain jo bimariyon ke virus ko jar se khatam kar detin hain.or bimariyan khatam ho jati hain.Allah pak ne quran pak main goar o fiqar karne ke liye bar bar kaha hai..meri banai hui cheezon per goar o fiqar karo.Takey bani nooh insaan ke liye achai or behtri ka samaan paida ho sake.same isi tarah arab ke ulma e roohaniyat or muqfiayat goar o fiqar karke aisi cheezen talsimat banae hain jo medicine ki tarah kaam karte hain.yeh mashhoor talismaat  jaise ke1  kaale ghore ki naal 2 geedar singhi3 hath jori
4 fish stone
5 kaal e teetar ki wish bone
6 kaali billi ke jer,billi ke oor , black cat chord.
yeh sab talismaat medicines ki taraha kaam karte hain
gurbat muflisi fiqar faqa or karobar ki pareshaniyon wagera se nijat dilane ke liye
kaale ghore ki talismaat ko spicific time  main  banaya jata hai.takey rupey paise ko apni taraf attract kare jis se admi ameer aor khush haal ho jata hai .


astrology ya ilm e najoom ke do  PERSUASION poori duniya main raaij hain aik unani or estern system kehlata hai dosri hindi ya eastern system kehlata hai sayyara zauhal ki sarsati
ki  hindi system main hai islah hai
laikin iski sakhti or sangeeni ke western system wale bhi qaail hain 
or har shaks ko apna sign zodiac malooom hota hai
or iska pata karnay ka method hai  tareekh e paidaish se  malom hota hai ya phir naam ke pehle haroof se malom hota hai.
ab hota yeh hai ke sayyarah zauhal jab kisi ke ziache main gardish karta hoor iski shamsi ya qamri burj ke qareeb hota hai to woh shaks zauhal ki sakhti ya sangeeni ka shikar ho jata hai
ya zahul ke badasraat ka shikar ho jata hai saiyyarah zauhal ki saarsati ya nahusat se har insaan zindagi main do ya teen baar pareshani uthata hai.
mere whatsapp ke number per calls sms ate hain mere paas bohat log  Astro Consultation kay leay aty hain jo saiyyarah zauhal ki gardish main hote hain  woh mujh se mujhe pochne ate hain ke aj woh jin masail pareshaniyon paichidgiyon se do chaar hain jo bure haalat se guzar rahe hain woh maazi main aisi galtiyan kar chuke hain jis ke  sarparaston ko bohat si ghaflat ya naa aqbat andshi is haal tak pohanchne ka sabab bani ab woh foran in mushkil or kathan haalat se nikalna chahte hain
jo mumkin nhn ho sakta.
kunke yeh fitrat ke qanoon ke khilaaf hai bilkul is tarah jaise bari building girne wali ho usko sar bulandi ki manzil tak  le jana yeh bare sabar sabit qadmi or mustaqil mizaji ka kaam hai ar mera jo professional Astrologer ya family Physician ka 25 years ka practical hai kh Mere nazdeek mayoosi or be maqsad zindgi se barh kr koi cheez khatrnak nahi.mere apne zati tajruby k mutabik jo mard or khawteen mashwary ki ghrz se mere pas atay hain' un k masail khawah kese bhi hon Alhumdulillah wo hal ho he jaty hain mai un k masail ko Allah k hukm se hal kr leta hun
  Lkn ek pas murda ourat ya mard ki zindgi ka koi maqsad nahi hota aisy no jawan larky or larkiyan khawah wo ghurbat  mai perwarish pai hon ya wo dolat ma bap ki oulad hon ye dono he bad naseeb hoty hain hamai ye bat zehn mai rakhni chahye k zindgi ka koi na koi maqsad zrur hona chahye apne maqsad k lye ek ishq or ek lagan honi chahye kuch kr dikhany koa jazba hona chahye" Ap khawah ek aam mulazim hon ya ek ghrelu ourat, ya apka talluq shobaz ki dunya se hon,talbe ilm hon ghrz kisi bhi peshy se talluq ho dil mai ek talash or ek justuju  zrur honi chahye.
  Aisy no jawan larky larkiyan jo be kar or faltu waqt barbad krty hon wo koshish ker k apni khawahish or salahyat k mutabik koi maqsad peda 
krain aisy peshy ikhtyar bhi ker skty hain jis se insaniyat ki apne ahl e mehlla ya digar ki khidmat kr sakain.
  Mera 25 sala tajruba ye kehta hai' k bary bary dolat mand  ameer zaady barbad hojaty hain jab unki zindgi ka koi maqsad nahi hota is lye mai apni no jawan nasl ko kehta hunk ba maqsad zindgi guzarain.Aap jab bhi kisi ko galyon,mehellon mai  bethy dekhain ya char dewari mai maqeed logon ko dekhain to unhain is sust rawi zindgi se bedar karny ki koshish krain. Ye jo log aapko gali koochon mai charsi or heroinchi nazar aaty hain ye sub na murad o na kam loh nazr aaty hain  dar asl ye sub be maqsad zindgi ki pedawar hain hamary no jawan larky or larkiyan naik or achy maqsad k lye apne aap ko waqf krain or puri tawanaiyon k sath apne maqsad mai sir garm aml hojaeyn or Allah ki ibadat krain or Allah he ki zat pe bhrosa krain or apne maqsad mai kamyabi k lye Allah rabbal aalameen se dua krain in sha Allah aapki zindgi khush gawar hojaeygi.
 saiyyarah zauhal ki sakhti saat saal per muhit hoti hai is liye isey saarsati kehte hain.
saiyyarah zahul aik burj main dhai saal tak rehta hai misaal ke tor pe burj hamal main dhai saal tak qaiyyam ke doraan saarsati ka aik dor mukammal hota hai iske bad effect  mutalliqa shaks per aise hon ge agar woh mard hai to1. bewaqoofana harkaat
karna shuru kar dega.na aaqbat andeshana kaam shuru kar dega aur apnay bane banae kaam khud bigaar lega2  .biwi bachon per gussa
3.bacchon se doori 4. apni sachhe hamdaardon pe shak karna5.or gair mukhlis doston per andha aitemaad karna6.or ache bhale karobar ko chhor kar naya karobaar karna
7.achi bhali dukan ko baich kar kirae per dukaan lena  8.ya achi bhali makan ko baich kar kairae ke ghar pe shift ho jana
9.or galat logon main shaadi karna
10.kisi buri aurat ke jaal main phas jana wagera wagera.

sarsti kay asrat kisi aurat par ho

1.sarasati kay asrat agar kisi aurat  par ho to is aurat ko apnay ghar mian sakon nahi milega             2ghar main ghutan ka ehsaas hoga.bahir har cheez achi lage ge3.apnay shohar or apne hamdardon ko apna dushman samjhe gi. 
4.gair mardon se na jaiz  talluqat rakhna.
6.drugs ka bohat zayada istemal karna wagera wagera.
saiyyarah zohal  ke jab bad effect hon to aisa shaks yeh samajh raha hota hai ke woh jo kuch kar raha hota ai woh sahi hai or samjhane wale  rokne wale iske dushman hain saiyyarah zauhal ke bad effect hon to isey samjhane wale dushman 
loh e zauhal ki takhti or nahusat se bachne ke tareeke


saiyyara zauhal ki nahusat se bachne ke liye ham rohani aloom, ilme jafar,amliyat se madad le sakte hain.iski misaal aisi hai jaise barish se bachao ke liye  umbrella laga li jae  barish ko rokna to mumkin nhn kunke yeh khilaf e fitrat hai zaiche main saiyyarah zauhal ki kharab position se
shaadi main rukawat hoti ha aur tamam kamon main BANDISH par jati hai .sayara zouhal ki nahusat ki wajah se shaadi mangni or muhabbat ke mamlat main muhtat rakhni chahi ye kisi family PHYSICIAN  astrologest se mashwara karke shaadi ki tareek rakhni chahiye.
saiyyara zauhal ki nahusat door karne ke liye balke har balah or pareshani door karne ke liye sadqat ki bari ehmiyat hai.
hadees shareef main aya hai "SADQA RADDE BALAH HAI"
saiyyara zuahal ki nahusat door karne ke liye sadqat dene ke baad white horse shoe ko hafte ke din lagana chahiye  chaand ki shuru ki tareekhon main.nau  chandi hafte ke din zauhal ka din hafta hai suraj nikalne ke waqt takreeban aik ghante tak saiyyara zauhal  ki saat hoti hai 
dopehar ko tak1 derh baje se do dhai baje saiyyarah zauhal ki saaet rehti hai 
is waqt sadqa utaarna chahiye saiyyara zauhal ke sadqaat kaali daal kaala chana kaale maash
in tamam sadqat ki cheezon ko  saat baar apne sar se anti clock wise ghumana cahiye
ya subha parindon ko baajra ya mix dana dena chahiyeya phir hafte ke din kisi kaale faqeer ko
80 rupiaya 17 rupia26 rupees 35 rupees53 rupees62 rupees wagera dena chahiyein sabhi ka adad 8 bane ga jo saiyyara zauhal se mansoob hai.
According to  Astrology agar kisi k HOROSCOPE'    zaichay mai sayyarah  zahel agar buray asrat peda kar raha ho ya ap Sartati stars position  ka shikar ho rahe hon  ya ap ke zaich  Horoscope  main Kaal Sarp Yog chal rah ho to White horse shoe se in asrat ko khatam kia ja sakta hai.is k undar sitaron k bad asrat ya bandish ko khatam karny ki bhi Ability mojood hai
 1.Zaichay mai agar sayyarah zahel ap k 1. pehly ghar mai araha hai to zindagi boht takleef mai basar hogi us shakhs ke maa ya bap mar jata hai 27 ya 28 sal ki umr mai muqaddma ya court kacheri se wasta parhta hai sehat bhi achi nahi rehti.
2.Agar zahel ap k dusry ghar mai hai to aap mali tor per bad qismat waqea  hongy or rishty daron se bhi koi khatra ya ghum mily ga.
3.Agar teesry ghar mai hai to na gahani / achanak safar ho sakta hai agar shadi karay ge to aap ka hum safr azdwaji bimari ka shikar ho sakta hai.
4.Agar chothy ghar mai aey to boht bare jhagre ka samna ho sakta hai mali financial lose puhnch sakta hai bad news bhi mil sakti hai.
5.Agar panchwain ghr mai aey to sakht tension preshani ka samna hoga oulad ki taraf se ghum milay ga or mehboob ki taraf se dhoka bhi kha sakty hain.
6.Agar chhatty ghar mai aey to aap ka koi dushman legal cases kary ga dangerous disease  khatar nak bimari bhi ho sakti hai.
7.Agar sathwain ghr mai aey to aapki wife ya biwi , husband ya shohar dusri 2nd marriage kray ga kisi dusray mard ya aurat se najaiz taluk rakhay ga jis se izzat or jaan ka nuksaan ho sakhta ya  dushman apni chalbaaziyon or chalakiyon se tang kare ga. 
8.Agar aathwain ghar mai aey to client/customer k bhai ya dost aap se dushmani karega or maali nuksan puhchai ga  dolat mand admi ya kese bare sayasi political person  se nuksan ka andesha hai koi aurat aap pe tuhmat ya ilzaam bhi laga sakti hai ya ap kese chalak aurat bad woman ke jal mein phas sakhte han.
9.Agar nuwain ghar mai aey to bary safar mai bandish ho jaye gi ya apka hawai hadsah bhi hosakhta ha jese junaid jamshed famous  scholar  ka accident hoa tha    visa na milna etc.
10.Agar daswain ghar mai aey to mulazmat ya karobar mai bandish ho sakti hai or dushmano mai izafa bhi hoga.
Agar giyarhwain (11) ghr mai aey to mukammal bandish parh jaeygi koi tarakki nahi hogi  boht ziada koshish k bawjood bhi kuch hath nahi aey ga or iska shohar ya biwi azdwaji bimari mai mubtila ho jaeyga.
Agar barhwain(12) or akhri ghar mai aey to boht sakht preshani peda hosakti hai halat khud kashi tak le ja sakty hain or rupiye paisay ka nuqsan he nuqsan hoga.
Apko sayyarah zahel k manhoos asrat k bary mai arz kar chuka hun isi tarha sayyarah rahoo k ketoo k bhi aisay he kuch manfi asrat hotay hain is hawaly se bhi safed ghoray ki naal se kaam lia ja sakta hai.
Mere pas har qism k log Astro  CONSULTATION k lye atay hain jinka talluq mukhtalif peshon profession  se hota hai.mere pas ek client  larki apna masla le kr ai to maine uska istakhara ilm e ramal se kia phir  apni  Satisfaction  ke
lye us k dono hathon ki lakeeron pe bhi nazar dali us k hath per halka zahel tha jo k buray asrat ya bad qismti mai autharty mana jata hai.
phir us larki nay mujhay apni history  bio ghraphy bohat ro ro kar sunai" usne kaha k  mere bachpan mai he meri maa ki death  hogai to mere walid ne dusri shadi kar li soteli maa ne mujh par boht zulm kia or mujhay manhoos ka laqab de dia phr maine socha k mai kahi job  kar  lon boht  Struggle   k bad mujhay ek job mili  office mein main jis larkay kay sath bethti thi us ka PC Karab hogaya maian jis bhi larki ya larkay kay sath friendship karti ya woh Accident ho jata tha ya woh bemar hojata tha office mein sub staff mujh se dor dor rehnay lage job   mili waha se bhi kuch arsay bad dawn sizing k bahanay job  se nikal dia gaya kiyun k company k malik ki nazar mujh pe gandi hogai thi or maine usay inkar kar dia.meray paros main ek family rahti thi woh sirf husband aur wife thay as larki se mere friendship thi jub mein nay os ko apni baray mein bataya aur meri ma ka Attitude bhi dekha woh mujay ek kala ilme karnay walay amil kay pass le gai woh amil gandi nature ka tha waha say main bagh kar agaye .
Mai ek larkay se muhabbat karti thi usne bhi mujhay flirt dhoka dia or dusri larki se shadi karli bil akhir maine tang akar do martaba khud kushi ki koshish bhi ki lekin mujhay bacha lia gaya mujhay har jaga manhoos mash'hoor kar dia gaya koi bhi mujh se dosti karny ko tayyar na tha.ek larki se meri dosti hogai us larki ka bhi car accident hogaya jis k pas bhi beth'ti to us k kamo mai kharabi hojati is sub ko dekhnay k bad mai khud bhi apne apko manhoos mehsoos karnay lagi mai boht buray asrat ka shikar hogai."
Wo larki taleem yafta or khubsoorat thi or uska talluq ek achay khandan se tha or uska walid sarkari officer tha lekin us ne kuch aisay ghalat kam kiye jis ka khamyaza uski beti bhukat rahi thi.
Mane us larki k haal ahwal ka baghor jaiza lenay k bad usay ye mashwara dia kh ap white horse shoe ke bani hoi ring  ring finger main phano aur apni ghar par black horse shoe bhi lagao.
Theek 6 maheeny bad wo larki mere pas ai,usne mujhay bataya k  dr sahb, maine aap k mashwary white horse shoe ki bani hoi Ring ko phena white horse shoe apne ghar mai lagai or aap k bataey hue wazeefay ki namaz k 7 pabandi bhi ki Allah k fazal se mere to din he phir gaey achay gharany se shadi k lye rishtay ka pegham aya waha shadi hogai mere shohar ek kamyab business man hain or hamai Allah ne 2 ouladon se bhi nawaz dia or ab mai ek kamyab or khush'hal zindagi guzar rahi hun.Allah ne mujhay har nemat se 
nawaz dia hai.

White horse shoe talisman foundation keel.

white horse shoe mein kai herat angayz Wonderful jadui khaseyat hn.jab ghorah chalta hai tu zameen ki Ragar se zabardast kisam ki magnetic power peda hojati hai white horse shoe ko specific  time mein peglakar hum is se foundation keel banate hn jo kale jadu sifli ilim ke bad asrat, bad roh ke asrat, aur bure jinnat ke asrat, khatam kardeti hai,jis zameen ko sehar wa  jadu kar kay   zameen ko banjar Barren kar  diya gaya ho tu us ko abad karnay ke leye foundation keel ko banjar zameen kay 4 charon sides main lagaya jata hai.
kuch hasid aur bad neiyat log building ya flat ko sehar wa jadu kar wa kay bandish lagwa detay han jis ki waja say koi bhi flat ya house  nahi sell hota tu iskay leya foundation keel ko Buildings main laga nay say sehar wa jadu kay bad effect bad asrat khatum hojatay hai karachi aur Hyderabad  keay famous builders meray pas aye thay  yeh 1998 ki bat hai woh meray ek client kay c/o aye main jab in ka Ilme e Ramal kay zariye Istakhara kia to mujhay malum howa in builders par ek amil ne Bandish kar di thi  bhohat  struggle karne ke bawajood koi flat nahi sell horaha tha main in builders ko 4 foundation nils par kar dey aur kaha k ye foundation nils 4 sides mian laga do in builders ne meray kehnay par foundation keel 4 sides par laga dein 15 din kay Hussain  bhai meray pass aye woh bohat khush thay un ke flats sell hone lage thay Hussain bhai ne mujhay Mithai khalai .aaj kal kay dor mein builders bhohat lalchi Greedy   hogaye hain woh Graveyard aur Haunted places par Billdozer chala detay hain aur New building khari kar detay hain.aur jo log in buildings mein rehtay hain woh log tarah tarah ki bemariyon aur parishaniyon main mubtalah hojatay hain rizaq ki tangi aur mashi tor par bad hal hojatay hain .safed ghuray ki fonndation nils laganay se wo jaga boray asrat say safe hojati hain foundaton keel safed ghoray ki naal say bani Ritulized keelain hain jo zameen kay 4 charon sides mein gari jati hain jahan koi new building koi ghar shop etc banaya jaye  ta kay woh jaga har qisam kay boray asrat aur nahosat say pak rahe.

White horse shoe ko pighla kar or bhi kai kaam liye ja sakte hain is se rings or talisman  aur loh Zohal banae jate hain .
jo sitaron ke bure asraat ko khaam karte hain
 White horse shoe siyara satrun or rahu se mansub hai aur ap kaal sarap yug kay waja se parishan ho safed  ghore ki naal saiyyara zahul se mansub hai or is ke bure asrat ko  bad effect ko khatam kar deti hai or admi ko amir  aur koshhal  kar Allah ke hukam se  kar  deti hai
saiyyara zahul zaiche main jis bhi ghar main ho is ke asraat bohat kharab hote hain
is se insaan downfall ki taraf ajata hai former prime minister of pakistan sabik sadar zulfiqar ali bhutto isi saiyyare ki zad nahosat ki waja say  phansi per char  gaye  is incident  ki detailal munir niyazi   ki kitab or line kat gai main mile gi zulfiqar ali bhutto ko jawani main apna haath dikhane ka shoq tha woh aik hindu pandit ko haath dikhate thay us ne kaha tha inko ke apke haath main raja youg hai pehle ap wazeer banen ge aur phir wazeer Azam     banen ge phir sadar laikin apne jazbaat pe qaboo rakhen.
1971 main apne do palmist se mashwara lia tha aik India  main pandit Girdari laaal or dosra siri lanka ka  tha apne un se poocha ke main election karwaon ya nhn to  India  ke pandit ne kaha ke election nhn karwana main tumhari barbadi dekh raha hon baba Kon jo kh Siri lainka main rahta tha is    ne kaha ke  election karwao main tumhari kameyabi dekh raha hon ap dobara prime minister  wazeer -e Azam banen ge us ne apse dushmani nikali thi  woh asal main bangaal ka th aor uska result apko phansi ki soorat main mila kahan tak bataon sayyyara zahul ki tabahiyaan or nuqsaan.
holnakiyan zameen ka  jallad  saiyyara zahul  ki taraf se nuqsan kabhi bhi a sakta hai yeh zayada tar 6 mahine ya aik saal kisi ke zaiche main rehta hai ya phir saat saal tak rehta hai jis ko formal language main sarsati  bhi kehte hai nis wajah se insaan mukammal tabah wa barbad mali parishaniya business main problems aur nuqsanat    ho jate hai bhutto sahab bhi isi saiyyare ki wajah se  Downfall main agaye thay.
or saiyyara zahul hi ki wajah se for president of pakistan  General zia ul haq ka tayyara gira tha (Saturan movements used to be observed with fear,signifying bad luck , great loss life and business or punishing circumstances.
unki center ki ungli ke neeche  Black clour ka  MOL til tha yeh ungli saiyyara zahul ki kehlati hai zameen per husheyar log saiyyara zahul saturn se mansub rings bangils  apne paas rakhte hain
is se insaan saiyaara zahul ke bure asraat se mehfooz rehta hai aise insaan nagehani moat mali tangi or har pareshani se mehfooz rehta hai,khush haal or taraqi yafta ho jata hai
is liye  world mian  Intellectual person log is se bani rings or bangils  apne paas  Ring bana kar pehentay hain aur horse shoe talisman  apni pas rakhte hain.
 White horse shoe se bani specific time main sharfe zahul khas time hota hai astrology main talismat e zahul banai jati hain is ko pas rakhne se saiyyara zahul ki wajah se ane wali kisi  bhi qisam ki bandish khatam  ho jati hai sharf e  zohal  main bani  White horse shoe horse ke banay Rings foundation nils  or  horse shoe ap apne pas rakh kar makaan or dukaan ko bhi kisi nuqsan se bacha sakte hain .

Deciding  for good luck white horse shoe.

 White horse shoe Talisman  ya' koi taweez ya kisi bhi rohani cheez se  Utilize   mustafeed honay k lye pehlyi isko  usay taskheer kia jata hai phir usay kisi bhi kam k lye use   kar saktay hain  horse shoe ya kisi bhi rohani cheez mai jo bhi asrat hotay hain unhai bagher taskheer kiye istemal mein  nahi liya ja sakta or agar istemal kar bhi lia jaey to uska ulta nuqsan hojata hai or sakht qism ki bandish or masail ka samna hojata hai.Jese qadeem badshahat k zamanay mai khazaano ko hifazat k lye zameen mai dafan kar dia jata tha ab tak wo khazain zameen mai dafan hain khazaany ki hifazat k lye jinnat khatarnak kalay saanp k roop mein badshahon  kay khazanon ki peredari  kartay hain  jo har waqt khazaanay ki rakhwali kartay hain  jab tak inko amal k zarye taskheer nahi kia jata tab tak khazaanay ko haath nahi laganay detay isi tarha horse shoe talisman ya koi janwar ya parinday in sub mai makhfi asrat mojood hotay hain inko good luck  ke lye razi karna zruri hota hai.   USA  aur  Canada  mai canadian log  wicca apne mazhab k mutbik horse shoe ko  Ritualize  kartay hain or waha occult shops par horse shoe milti hain or saath ma use karnay k lye ek khaas qism ka powder milta hai is main as ko use karnay ki discription di hui hoti hai.           

India main pandit or tantirik log horse shoe par mantar phoonk kar mukhtalif rangon k dhagay lapait kar lakshmi devi ko charhawa de kar horse shoe ko sidh kartay hain.
Horse shoe ka istemal us waqt tak bilkul nahi karna chahi ye  jab tak is k mutallik  full information sahi maloomat na hon ya kisi  achay  amil ke mashwary se   use karna chaheye.  kuch log isko bageer kisi amil kay mushwaray se   ghar ya  shop dukan waghera  mai laga to lety hain lekin mazeed preshaniyon ka shikar hojaty hain masail or parishania aur    pechidigiya peda hojatay hain.
 'Mere pas guiding k lye ek family ai  bary preshan log thy un k ghar ka ek banda bemar aur boht buri tarha preshaniyo mai ghira hua tha unho ne bataya k hamary ghar mai hmesha koi na koi bimar or preshan rehta hai is bar jo preshan tha usne bataya k meri wife boht bimar hain maine hr qism ka elaj karwa liya magar koi faida nahi hua usne apna shuba zahir kia k mujh per kisi ne kala jadu kia hua hai lekin jab maine uska istakhara Ilme e Ramal kay zariye  nikala to aisi koi bat zahir nahi hui maine usay btaya k tmhary ghar per koi aisi cheez mojood hai jis k bad asrat ki waja se ghar mai bimari or preshani hai lekin us ne Refused kar de ya  manfi mai sir hila kar kaha k hamary ghar mai aisi koi cheez nahi hai kuch arsa pehly maine ek dost k mashwary per good luck k lye ghoray ki naal apne ghar mai lagai thi jis k bad mai boht ziada pareshaan  hogaya hun or meri muashi or iqtasadi halat boht kharab hai or financially  to boht  weak  hogaya hn mera apna jootay ka karkhana tha wo bhi band hogaya or boht ziada qarz mai doob gaya hun.

Maine usko kaha k haftay waly din sooraj tulu honay k bad is naal ko ghar se nikal kar behte pani mai dal dain samandar ya darya mai. Or 101 rupay ki niyaz huzoor  ghous paak k naam par is niyat se dena chaheye  k halat behtar hojaye us admi ne mere bataey hue mashwary par amal kia or mashaallah unki wife ki sehat bhi bahal hogai or muashi halat bhi behtar ho gaey or ab kamyab zindagi basar kar raha hai.


Mere kuch dosto or clients ne good luck ke lye apni kismat achi karne k lye White horse shoe ki naal ko apne shop par or ghar me lagaya ha .or apni factory  par bhi lagaya ha,
par koi faida nh huwa, balky pareshaniya or pechitdigiya or bhar gye phele jo good luck tha wo bad luck ho gya.STAR par gardish cha gye ghar me bimari ne apna basera kar dia ghar me 1 theek hota to dosra  bimar par jata or pesa pani ki tarah bhene laga or pesa galat kamo mein kharch hogaya .or un logo ko karz le le kar guzara  karna parta ikhrajat ko pura karna parta tha. or jobs me tarah tarah  ki pareshaniya bharne lagi or wo log bhot sakt pareshan ho gye thy in ki himmat jawab dy gye thi or  bar bar  nakamiyon ne khud khushi karne ke liye  sochne laga (sucide),Or safed  ghory ki naal good luck k liye best hoti he or kabhi kabhi safed ghory ki naal luck k liye bad luck or manhos sabit hoti he.ager ghora manhoos hoga tu is mein koi aib hoga to is ki naal bhi manhoos hogi or is me bury asrat bhi poshida hoty hain. or ager is ko ghar par ya shops par laga dia jaye to is ke nahusat  k virus pory ghar me phel jaty hain or is ko nahusat  ka DNA pory ghar or family  ko apne lapeet mein leleta hai he family members ko lag jata he or apni lapet me le leta he.
safed ghory ki nahosat k mutalik 1 sahe bukhari sharif ki jo k mustanid Hadees sharif Share kar raha hun.

Or ap samajh jaen ge k ghora manhoos bhi  hosakta hai,Ghora hamesha  safed or arbic nasal ka hona chaiye. Arbic nasal k ghory ki naal good luck k liye best hoti he or buri kisam k asrat ko jar se khatam kar deti he chay wo bad kismati padaishi ho ya sitaro ki gardish ki waja se ya kisi hasid dushman badbkhat ne sher o jadu kar k Black Magic kar k paida ki ho.

Arbic nasal k ghory k mutalik 1 hadees sharif mulhaiza farmai.

good luck k lye ghora pura  white ya brown hona chaiye or is k mathy or paishani par White nishan lazmi ho ase safed ghory ki naal main zaberdast kism ke  asrat poshida hote hai.jo  insaan ko Allah k hukum se ameer Rich aur wealthy khushaal  bana dety or bad kismati or bad luch k asrat ko khatam kr dete hai ase ghory k mutalik sahe bukhari sharif ki 1 hadis share  kar raha hon. 
ghory ki naal me zaberdast kisim k talsime asrat poshida hoty hain.

 as gehory ko ahely arab ( Al Yasoob ) kaha jata he ya khety hain.

Aasy ghoray mai khas tilassimi asrat poshida hotay hain admi ko ameer or khush hal bana dety hain is ghoray ko arabi mai Al-yasoob kehtay hain or mujhay aisay ghoray ki talash thi .
mujhe apne 1 dost ne immam bargha me apne 1 dost se mulakat karai wo shaks molai tha or is shaks k paas aisa safed ghora tha. wo shaks mujh ko disturb dikhai de raha tha
 or jab mene is ka hissab dekha to wo bad asrat ka shikar tha or mene jab is ka ilaaj kya to wo shaks bure asrat se nikal chuka tha or 1 achi zindagi or bhetar zindagi guzar raha tha or pher wo molai shaks mera dost ban gya or mene is se mashwara dia k safed ghory ki 7 surakh wali horse shoe ko use kary 7 ka adaad parasrar kuwaton  ka adaad hota he or siyara youranus or ye siyara bh dolat se mansoob hai or is ne mere mashwory par amal kya or me is shaks se immam bargha me jake white horse sho lekar ata hun or is ko panjatan paak ki NIYAAZ k lye  pese dekar ata hun 
Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w ke ghoray ka naam yassob tha. aur Hzarat Zubair r.a ke ghoray ka naam bhi yasoob tha,ye who ghora hai jo Rehman ke ly ye hai.

1.Rehman ka wo ghora ho ta hai jo Allah pak ke dushmano kay se larne ke laye pala jaye.
is Hadis pak mai 3 ghoron ka zakr aya hai 1 ek woh ghora jo insan ke leye hai jo insan ghora gari wagira main use karta hai 2 ek woh ghora hai jo shetan Ablis apni boray kamo ke lye use karta hai


ek ghoray ke woh jo Rhaman ke leye hai jo Allah ke dushmano se  larni ke le ye hai aur Imam bargahon main maliga aur as ghoray ke nal good luch ke leye sub se best hoti hai.

Amliyat wa taweezat White  Horse shoe .

  Har 1 cheez k 2 rukh hoty hain safaid he to kala bhi hoga rhemani quwat he to kali kuwat bhi hai talsiman tavizaat or khas janwer jis me jinnati or jadue asar poshida hoty hain in ki andruni rohaniyat ko taskheer karne k lye pharai ki jati he.taweezat k 4 qisim hoty hain atishi .
1  Atishi in tawazio ko jalaya jata he ya tandoor ya kisi agg wali jaga par dafan kia  jata he atishi tawaziat jin mard aurato ka star athishiFire ho to un ko astishi taweezat die jaty hain. FAKE amil without time Sait time tawiz likh kar deta he na wo sait ka khyal rakhta he or nahe stars ke psition  ka khyal rakhta he is lye un k taweezat asar nh karty ( wo be asar hoty hain) FAKE amil mhenat nahe karty or pharai nahe karty me apni tamam amaal ki rituals apnay gao mein  karta hun parai   ager parai na ki gye ho to taweez be asar hota he taweez ho ya talisim Talisman is ki rohaniyat ko astrologicial tarike se Ritualize ya charge kia jata he or is ki rohaniat ko taskheer kia jata he  white hourse shoe ki rohaniyat ko taskheer  kia jata he take is me mojod jadui mokal jinnat is par apna khas asar dalna shuru kar dete hai is ko ghar ya shop par laga ya jata he ase safed ghory ki nal allah k hukam se ghar ya shop ki protection bury asrat jadu tona Negativity wagera se mhefoooz rheta he. is image me main safed ghory ki naal ko Ritualized  kar raha hun.

is pic me ap ko wooden try par bani nakosh symbol jo kay khas talismanic language hai ap ko dikhai de rahe hogi is me sari talismanic language likhi jati he or safed ghory ki rohaniat ko taskheer karny k lye(Astrology) Setran   siyara zohal  k khas ingredients ko sens burner me daal kar duni de jati hai or sheshy k glas ya bartan ya bowl ko incense smooke se bhar kar ghory ki naal ko oper rakh dia jata he.

sheshy k glass ko incense Smoke se bhar kar bhot ahetiyat se ghory ki naal par rakh dia jata he takay smoke glass k ander he rahy or naal achi tarah  ritualized ho jaye us k bad wooden try sameet ghory ki naal ko asi jaga rakha jata he jaha raat ko chand or Setran  siyara zohal ki roshni is par pury tarah   party rahe or ye sab kam chand ki shuru wali tarikho me kia jata  jis ko Arabic mein  qamar zahidal noor.kaha jata hai.
us k bad saturday  k din suraj nikalny k bad adhaty ghanty k ander siyara zohal ki sait me safed ke naal ko  Black  kapry me daal kar ghory ki naal ko rakh dia jata he ab  safed ghory ki naal puri tarah ritualized   ho gye.hai.
ab ap naal ko  use kar sakty hain or Saturday  k din (Setran)  siyara zohal ki sait me chand ki pheli tariqo me suraj nikalny se adadhy ghanty k ander kaly ghory ki naal ko ghar ya dukan par laga dia jata he.
 Olma e  rohaniat or mukhfiyat Haqeem ArsosAbu Alaman kitab dosam me likhta he k Safed ghory ki naal bad kismati ya bad luck ko jar se he khatam kar deti hai or safed ghory ki naal bhot poraserar or nayab cheez hai is se bhot  aur har kisim k kam kiay  ja sakty hai. zamany qadeem mai  arab k olma e  rohaniat mukhfiat safed ghory ki naal par bhot se tajurbat or mushidat kie ek SCIENTIST ke tarah aur is se amliaat ishq or mohobat or taqseer k kaam lety thy or mashor  olma e  mukhfiyat or rohaniyat Haqeem Arsoos Abu aliyan or Dusry rohaniyat k farsy or arbi me Books mojod hain or in k kuch (pages) me yaha share kar raha hun.


bad  asrat se for safety purpose  mehfoze rehni ke le ye   se zamana e qadeem me arab k rohaniyat or mukhfiyat bad luck ya bad kismati k asrat ko khatam karne k lye safed ghory ki naaal or is k Amliyat  istamal karty thy  is me ye bhi ability hai k do miya biwi ya couple or mhebono ko Allah  kay hukum se mila deti hai 2 couple ki judai chahe STIRS  ki garardish  ke waja ho ya sher wa jadu ki waja se ho, ya hasad ki waja se sab k bad asrat khatam kar k ye do  muhabat karnay walo ya couple ko milla deti he, Europe & Canada mein  mukhtalif countries me husband wife ko  safed ghory ki naal di jati he takay in dono mia biwi mein  judai na ho or shadi shuda jora hasad,  nazar e bad, evil eye jadu tona k bad asrat se mhefooz rahe.

safed ghory ki naal mhobat or shadi k bad luck ko bhi khatam kar deti hai. Ulmai Rohaniyat or Mukhfiyat ne jo amliyat ishq or mohobat safed ghory ki naal k mutaliq apni boooks mein laki hai wo sub Persian aur Arabic language  mein likhi hai wo bhot he zabardast he, mene khud in ka istamal kia hai aur in amliyaat ishq or mohobat ki waja se allah k hukum se kai kamiyab shadiya bhi karwai hai. aur   main in sub Amliyat aur talisman ka istamal karta rheta hu aur apnay gao mian mera pna ek parai Rituals ka room hai..

zamana e  qadeem se arab k log safed ghory ki naal ko astrological time sarhafy zohol Sturan ya zohol mushtari ki tasdees  mein  furnace bhati me daal kar meld ya chipta karty thy safed ghory ki naal chu kay  patli hoti hai is par likhai nahe ki ja sakti is lye is ko furnace  bhati me daal kar melt kia jata he or hathory se ise patla kia jata he jese is par likhai ki ja sake is sare kaam ko amil ko khud karna parta hei aur siyarah sohal ki parai bhi ki jati hai. takay safed ghoray ki naal mian asrat peda hon.

 is doran siyara zohol ki pharai ya dawat karni parti hai takay is me siyara zhol or siyara zohara VENOUS Star  kay asraat pyda ho jye.purany dor me arab k rohaniyat or mukhfiyaat safed ghory ki naal ko bhati ya   furnace  mein daal ko chipta ya patla bna kar is par likhai karty thy.
is kaam me bhot mhenat karni parti he. Mhenat se kamiyabi ki qunji he .

Science aur jinnat ka wajood.

Safed ghory ki naal par amliyat ishq wa mohobat likhi jati he wo atishi hoti hei is ka talaq agg ya FIRE se hota hei or is  mein amliyat ishq wa mohobaat likhe ne k baad asi jaga rakha jaye jahan har waqt agg jalti rahy. science ham ko kheti hai k zindagi beshumar dhancho or libason me jalwa gar ho sakti he zindagi ka 1. namuna ya dhancha or libaas , jinnat , fharishty, pariya, deo, or fharishto k wujod mein in ka wujood nazar ata he zameen par hamari zindagi formula protein in water  ki waja se wajood me aye hai jo kay zameen k abohawa k ain k mutabiq he par intahaai khushk or sard maqam  mein zindagi protein in water k bajaye protine in Ammonia k mutabik wajood me a sakti he jese k hamara farmula insaan janwer charnd parind sab ka formula protein in water hai aise jinnat ka formula protein in amoniya hai. jinnat agg or gandak ki bedaish he is lye me apni is bhati furnace  mein gandak k kuch tukry dall deta hun takay is me jinnat apna asar dalna shuru kary.
jinnat ke hawale se main apna aik sacha waqia ap se share   karta hon saal ha saal se main aik buzurg ki mazaar per har jumerat ko hazri dene jata hon.or wahan fateha khuani ke baad kuch wazaif bhi parhta hon aik roz takreeban 8 baje rat ko mere sath aik waqia paish aya hua yeh ke main Namaz magrib parhne ke baad jab mazar ke ahate main aya to logon ka hajom dekha main ne dekha ke aik nihayat haseen khobsorat pathan larki  be khodi ke alam main jhoom rahi thi uske  sar ke baal hawa main lehra rahe thi  woh apne mathe ko gol gol ghuma rahi thi or uska libas kai jagah se phat gaya tha kuch log usko jhomta hua dekh kar lutof le rahe thay aur kuch log harisana or gnadi nazron se dekh rahe thay  gerat ke mare mera khoon khol utha.or main ne usko dupatta jo dor para hua tha us dupatte main se gandhak ki smell arahi thi to woh dupatta main ne us larki ko pena  dia lekin woh larki dupata orhne ko tayyar nahi thi main ne uski chuttiya ko zor se pakar lia takay woh dupata apne ap se na utaar sake main ne roab se poocha tu kon hai?
larki ne bari margobana andaaz se mujh se poocha ? tu kon hai ?
tujh ko jurrat kaise hui mere balon ko pakarne ki ?
larki ki ankhen kabootar ke khon ki tarah surkh thein
main ne roab se kaha ke main Hazrat syedna  Murad Ali shah ka mureed hon or Hazrat syedna Abdullah shah Gazi  ka mureed hon.or unka haath mere sar per ha or main abhi tumhari gardan tor sakta hon.
yeh baat sun kar woh larki kuch dar gai or margoob ho gai or kehne lagi main aik Jinn hon or mera naam Abdul Rehman hai is larki ne mere ghar ko ganda kia hai aur meray bachon par gandagi phenki hai main is  larki ko nahi choron ga?? 
main ne is jinn ko kaha kay is larki ko chorta hai  ya tera koi or ilaj karon??tum ko maloom hai kay main tumhare saath kaya kar sakta hon ???
larki kuch der sochne ke baad boli ke acha main ja raha hon.
per meri aik shart hai main ne kha Theek hai meri aik shart hai ke yeh larki poori zindagi surkh kapre  nahi pehne gi ?
main ne kaha theek hai yeh larki kabhi bhi surkh jora nahi pehne gi 
kuch der ke baad larki dharam se zameen par gir gai larki behosh thi jaldi se  larki ke walid ne  is ke jisim per uska dupatta daal dia qu kay larki naked barhina horahi thi larki ke walid ne ka ha kay sain mein apni beti ho bohat mazaron par  le kar gaya hon pr kisi Amil ne jinn se aisi baat nahi ki jesi ap ne baat ki  mein apni larki ka boht se Amilo se ilaj karwaya tawezaat palai par koi faida nahi howa ham pathan hain per aj tak kisi ne is jinn se aise baat nhn ki na koi ilaj kar saka .
woh larki itne main hosh main agi or apna dupatta thek karke apne walid se pashto language  main poochne lagi kay mujhe kya hua tha baba??larki ko shindhi  nahi ati thi
larki ke walid ne mujh se kaha ke Aftab bhai is ko bilkul sindhi nhn ati main hairaan hon ke isko sindhi kaise ai yeh apse sindhi kaise bol rahi thi ? Aur yeh sindhi main ap se kaya bat kar rahi thi.??main ne us ke walid se kaha ke ab isko dhora (Fits)nhn pare ga
kuch arse baad us larki ki shaadi ho gai main bhi us ki shaadi main shareek hua
uske ghar walon ne shadi main bhi usey surkh jora dar ki wajah se nhn pehnaya tha
sabz jora pehnaya tha khair se larki ki shadi hogi woh larki aj bhi bohat achi zindagi guzar rahi hai.
Hazrat Shah waliullah(R.A) ne irshad farmaya hai ke jinnat ko hum zahiri ankh se nahi dekh sakte hai.JINNAT ko hum hase mushtaraqa ke zariye dekh sakte hai .jisko formal language mein tasawar ya Khayal ki taqat ya (IMAGINE ) kehtay hai tasawar ke zariye hum jinnat ko dekh bhi sakte hai or unse batain bhi karskte hai .

Jinnat jo protein or ammonia  ke formula ke tareky se  paida kiya gaya hai in ko hamari tara Giza ki zarurat na hogi wo faza se energy jabs kar k apne wajood ko kaim kar sakte han jab is gair insani makhlook ko giza ki zarurat nhi he to is k jism mai giza ko hazam karny waly Auza mada , jiggar  , gurdy  wagera bhi na honge is ka jism bhot he halka hoga protein or ammonia se bani makhlook azad hawa me urne wali hogi or bareek or aik dum se gaib hone wali.hain Mukhtalif shakal akhtiyar kar sakti ho  aur jinnat kay baray mien ye sub batian mashoor hain Exo- biology k mutabik asi makhlook pye jana mumkin hai  
Safed ghory ki naal 2 mohobat karne walay  loving couple  jin mein judai pargye ho ya jin me sakht nafrat ho ya judai chahe kisi bhi tara par gye ho ya amal 2 mohobat karne walo ko mila deta hai or mein ye amal or kaly bakry ki shana ki hadi ka amal ye dono amal  mein  mohobat k lye karta hon.  safed ghory ki naal talisman amliyat ishq or mohobaat likh kar 7 din tak agg me rakha jata he takay is me jadui mokil jinnat apna asar dalna shuru kar dety hain or 2 mohobaat karne walo ko allah k hukuum se mila daty han jo kisi bhi kisim ki nafrat ho ya judai par gye ho 21 ya 40 din k ander dono ka millan ho jata hai is khas kaam k lye mene apne gao me 1 khas furance ya bhatti bnai hue hai.jis mein me apne khas amliyat talismaat taiyaar karta hn
mere gao k kareeb 1 cool making furance hai jaha log is me sukhi lakriya daal kar log is se koila bnaty hai or koily kobech kar apna guzar safar karty.

   hain is koily ki bhatti me lakriya daal kar khas khyal rakha jata he agg zada na bharak uthy or lakriya jall k khakh ho jati hain or mene apni amliyat k kam  ke lye 1 khas mitti ki furance cool bnai he.

is me lakriya dall kar is me safed ghory ki naal k talsim ko bh is me daal kar jalty huve koilo me rakhta hun takay is ko braber heat millti rahy. or  mein apne is furance ya bhati ki dekh bhal k lye 2 admio ko job par rakha huva he in ko me 500 rupe deta hun takay hamesha agg jalti rahe or safed ghory ki naal k talisman ko 7 din tak agg me rakha jata he pher 21 din tak pharai ka 1 chilla mukamal ho jye or 21 din k bad 1 khas maqsos tarike se agg ko bujhaya jata he .


Kmmiya ya chemistry mein mukhtalif kisim ke chemical or mukhtalif kisim keay Oil banai jatay hain or   talisman bhi bnaye jaty hain zamany kadeem k arab k ulmai rohanit mukhfiyat asi chezy bna kar logo ki khidmat karty thy jis tara  safed ghory ki naal Luck k lye   or mohobat k ly best hai  kimiya ya chemistry ansro ya elements ko apas me milla kar chezy bnai jati he hai same is tara  6 holes wali  safed ghory ki naal kaly jadu (k) kay asraat ko khatam karny k lye bhot he karamat he mene is talsim naal se sekaron kaly jadu kay marizon ya victims ka ilaj kya hai jin marizon ko doctors ne lailaj kh dia main ne apni is talisman nil se lakhon victims ya mariizon ka ilaj kaya hai. 
is  talsmani keel par jinnat k (7) sath bary farma rawaon k naam likhy hue hain jo kay  kaly jadu (k) asraat ko Allah k hukum se khatam kardety hain.

Removal of black Magic(k).Magical Healing keel .kaale jado ki sakht tareen banduish ko torne ke liye amal.

 ye amal jo me yaha share kar raha hun ye mujhe 1 purani farsy kitaab se milla  or ye amal 1 Marako amil bh karta he meri is k sath friendship he. is pic  me mien jis shaks ka  rohany illage kar raha hon ye shakhs karachi ka bara industrieslist or bary Leather factory  ka malik he or is ki defience mein bari khoti is sakhis ka name seth Zeshan hin seth Zeshan say meray family terms hai  is ka ek chacha zaat bhi hi is ka  naam Ammir hi  or is kay chacha zaat bhai  ne is ki wife se mil kar seth zeshan kay khelaf  Conspiracy ki. Ammir ne seth Zeshan ki  biwi k sath mill kar is par kaly jadu ka mohelik war  karwaya tha (Death of  Magic(k) ) karwaya tha jis se ye shaks bimaar rhene laga tha or is shaks ko asi bimary lag gye k Doctors  ko is ki bimari samjh nahe a raha thi or is ki Factory  ko pursurar tarike se agg lag gye jo jama punji thi wo doctaro k medical treatment  il mein puri ho gye or jis shaks ne is par jadu kia tha wo 1 galeez poli tha wo koli apnay is kaye gay  ilam par nigrani karta tha takay  koi aamil is ka toor na kar saky or wo dhuni rmai betha rheta tha or kisi bhe alim ko illage karne nahe deta tha zheshan seth mujhse 1 karachi k dost ki marfit  millne aya tha jab mene zeshan seth ka hissab sab ilam e ramal k zariye  dekha to mein heran rhe gya mene zeshan seth ko kaha k tum par tumare rishtedaro ne tumari biwi k sath mill kar kaly jadu ka mholek war kia he zeshan seth ne kaha k docter shab me ap se apne  karobar k lye mashora karne k lye aya hon meri biwi mujhse bhot mohobat karti he or mere lye bhot fikarmand rheti hai or me jaha jata hun cell phon par  contact rheta he abhi bh 4.5 bar karachi se phon kar chuki he or ap khety hain k meri wife meri khufiya dushman hai ap ka hissab theek nahe hai ap hissab dubara karo or batian to ap ki bilkul sahe hai par ye baat mein nahi manu ga mene kaha theek hai, par me ap ko 1 mashwora de raha hun k ap apni biwi par nazar zarrur rakhna Or zeshan set mujhse millne k bad karachi chala gya.
or theek 6 month baad Zeshan seth apne 1 dost k sath mujhse millne k lye aya tha or zeshan seth  physically week ho chuka tha or zeshan seth ne kaha k mene ap ki baat ko nazar andaz kar dia tha or ap k millne k baad mai bemar rhene laga tha , pher akdam apki kahi hue baat mujhe yaad a gya k apni biwi par nazar rakho" pher mein apni biiwi par chup k nazar rakhna shuru kar di' mene dekha k meri biwi k chacha zaat bhai k sath  najaiz taluqaat thy" or wo dono mujhe rasty se hatana chati thi wo dono khud meri dolat par KABZA karna chathy thy. 1 raat ko mene chup kar dekha meri wife 1 powder sa doodh me daal kar mujh ko de rahe thi jab mene is ko 2 chamat mari or pistol is kay  sar par rakha mene kaha k mein tum ko qatal kar dun ka or tumari dead body ko apni kothi me thikane laga dun ga mujh ko saxh saxh btao k tum is doodh mein kya milla rahe ho  or tumari is me sazish kiya he or is ne"" Ro Ro "" kar mujh ko btaya k is k najaiz talukat is k chacha zaat bhai amir k sath hain or ye dono mujhko maar kar meri property par kabza karna chaty hain or mirpoor khas ka 1 gandy Elim ka koly in k sath milla huva he.
zeshan ne kaha k docter sahab beshak ap ka ilim sacha he or ap sache amil hain or mein apki kahi hue baat 6 month phele accept kar leta to meri kuch property or meri sehat kharab nh hoti.

 is tariqa ya method yeh hai kh iske liye sab se phehle mareez ya victim ko  kachi zameen per litaya jata hai or uske baad healing keel per Quran pak ki  sorah  fatiha)al-hamdullah 4 martaba aur ( 41 martaba sureh falak or sureh naas sureh qausar parh kar dam kia jata hai.

ab victim ya marez ke sar se peron tak keel utaar kar baaen se daen tak zameen per saath lakeeren khenchen is ke baad mareez ko ulta lita ya jata hai  dobara mazkura amal parh kar inhi lakeeron ke oper se eeche ki taraf  teen lakeeren khench den jo daen se baen honor is martaba mareez ke sar se peron ki taraf se utarna hai\yeh aik din ki kaat hogi .
is tarah rozana asar se magrib ke darmeyan gayara din tak yeh kaat ki jae.uske baad rozana khatim sulemani aik cheeni ki tishtiri per bawazu halat main zaafran or araq e gulab se likhna hai
woh bhi mareez ko pilaya jaeto kaisa hi sakht se sakht gande see ganda kala jadu ho Allah ke hukum se asraat khatam ho jaen ge.main ne is tareeke se bohat zayada victims jo kh kalay jadu main mubtila thi in ka ilaj kia haiis pic main ap dekh sakte hainke main saith zeeshan ka is tareeke se ilaj kar raha hon.or ilaj ke baad seith zeeshan bilkulinki sehr o jadu ki bandish bilkul khatam ho gaior ab woh mere behtreen dost ban chuke hain ormere paas karachi se ate rehte ......

Scared Mysterious bowl

jis thara safid ghory ki naal ko jis thara kaly jadu k asrat ko khatam karne k lye  talsmani  keel bnai jati he same  is thara safid ghory ki naal  se  1 khas kisim ka bowl    bnai jati he jis ko 7 nights ratin taron bhare raat  jis ko Arabic mein Amal e tanjim kaha jata hai aur seyarah zorah VENUS STAR key Direction mein rakha ja ta hai aur phur seyarah zohara Venus Star ki pari aur dawaat ki jatai hai  jis me 1 khas kisam ki massan ya khas kisim ka powder bnaya jata he .jo sharak parandi ke goshat aur hud hud (Hoopoe) bird   ki khon aur kuch aur natural Herbs ko mila ke banai jati hai jo k zamaina e qadeem say payar wa muhabat main dewan karnay kelay khalae jati hai.jin do husband aur wife mian jodai Separation hogae ho aur ek dosaray kay sorat face se nifrat ho to ye masaan ya love powder khalaney se in dono couple mian bhot zeiyada mohabat ho ja a gi .


Massan 1 khas powder hota he jo ke mukhtalif janwaro k gosht or hearbs se bnai jati Arabic main musaan ko Ramad kehatay hai . or 1 massan wo he jo hindu log murdo ko jala kar hasil karty hain or purani kachi kabar ki matti se bh massan hasil hoti he.

2ri massan wo he jo kachi mitti k bartan me kaly kutty k bacho ko jala k yahudi log tyar karty hain or ye  mohobat me dewana karne k lye tyar ki jati he.

 3 massan wo he ullu k dill ko dhoop me sukha kar hasil ki jati he or ye bh mohobat k lye aistamal hoti he.

4 kisim ki massan wo hoti he jo khas astrological time me 4 chimqadaro ( BATS) or ababil parindy ko jala kar tiyar ki jati he.aur muhabat love ke le ye utter tayar kya jata hai 

Massan or Genetic Engineering

1 massan wo hoti he jo khas astrological time me  murgi k ghost se bnai jati he is ka tarika ye hota he 4 chimqadaro  ( BATS) Ababil parindy k khoon. or us k ghost ko sukha kar or us me kuch herbs milla kar is ki INK tyar ki jati he us ink se ( EGGS) par siyara zhora ki talsimat or dawat phari ke jati he.
or in ando par talsimat silmani ki amliyat likhi jati he  pher asi murgi talash ki jati he jo anda dene wali ho  us ko 1 khas kamre me rakha jata he jaha us pr or us k ando par suraj ki roshni na parti ho. us k bad  in ando  taro bhari raat me rakha jata he take is me siyara zhora k asrat pyda ho jaye pher  in 7 ando ko murki k niche rakha jata he take is me se bachy nikly  kuch arsy k bad ando me se bachy nikalna shuru ho jaty hain in murki k bacho me talsimani asrat pyda ho jaty hain jab murgi k bachy bary hojaty hain to un ki herkat wa sukhnat par gheri nazar rakhi jati he ab bachy bary hona shuru ho jaye ge.
1.  Us me se kuch chozy asy hone jo apas me choch millaty hone or pyar karty hongy is se mhobatimassam  ya k ramat tyar ki jati he       in 2no chozo k ghost se mohobat ki massan raman se tyar kim jati he. jin 2 shakso Miya bewi or mohobat k lye khilai jati he chahe kesi bh nafrat hoi ak dosry ki shakal se nafrat hoti ho ya massan khany se in me mohobat pyda ho jati he/

2. isi murgi wo choza jo uper ki tharaf dekhta ho is se rohaniyat ya jannuniyat ko khatam karne k lye or mazhab ki tarf ragif karne k lye khilai jati he ase larke jo mhazab se door bhagty ho  un ko ye massan khilai jati he is massan k sath gosht k sath 100 saal purani masjid ki mitti milla kar khilai jati he is massan ya khakh ko khany waly shaks ka bhoot zada rujhan mazab ki taraf ho jata he.
ya aesa shaks jo apni wife or bheno ko ger mardo k sath bheja he najayez kamo k lye is ko geratman bnany k lye bh ye massan khilaye jati he.
isi massan ka wakiya ap ko share karta hn....
1 dafa 2 aorty karachi se mere pass mashwary k lye mere pass aye 1 jo larki us k sath thi wo us ki bari behan thi or 2sri larki ne mujhe btana shuru ki aftab bhai meri shadi ko 2 saal ka arsa ho gya he.
shadi k din mera shoar bhot pyar karta tha meri har zarurat ka khas khyal rakhta tha lekin ahista ashista is ka asal chera ( real face  ) samne ane laga  aftab bhai ap ne 3 month bad hissab laga kar kaha tha k ap ka shoar ap se mohobat nahe karta or ap ko istamal kar raha he mene ap ki baat nahe mani mene ap ko kaha k ap ka hissab galat he mera shoar mujhse bhot mohobat karta he or ab mujhe ahesas ho gya he k ap ki baat sachi thi shadi k 4 month bad mere shoar ne koi nashy wali cheez mujhe  piza me khila k behosh kar dia or pher is k dost ne meri izzat loot li bad me is ka mamul ho gya k mujhe wo apne dosto se milata tha me mana karti roti thi to mujhe wo meri naked video mujhe dikha k mujhe blackmail karta tha is k bad ye koi bh bara contract ye theka ya koi bara project ko hasil karne k lye mujhe us k CEO k pass bhej deta is thara is ne us ne mukhtalif logo ko musjhse millaya mene us ko bhot mana kia kalam paak hath me dia bacho ki kassamy di is par kuch asar he nh hota wo jin admio se mujhe milata tha mukhtalif  ( Advantages ) kisim k faidy leta tha or kisi se pese bh leta tha mene bhot alimo se rohani amilo se ailag karwaya hindio se kala ilim bh karwaya par koi faida nh huva.
Aftab bhai ab me suiside karna chati hun asi zindagi ka kya faida...............????
bhot badnam  ho gye hun mujhe apne ap se ghin ana shuru ho gye hai 1 dafa khudkhushi ki bh koshish ki thi meri sans ne mujhe bacha lya mene is larki ki baat sun kar mene is ki madat karne ka faisla kar lya mene is larki ko wo khas murgi ka massan jo rohaniyat k lye tyar kia tha is ko 100 saal purani masjid ki mitti me  milla kar wo massan dia mene us ko kaha k kisi bh khany wali cheez me is ko milla kar khila dena.
15 din k baad us larki ka phon aya k aftab bhai wo mene pizza me daal kar khila dia he par abhi tak koi faida nh or ab mera shoar dubai k bary shaikh k sath hotal me bheja he or us se 1 bara contract dubai me lia ye ap ki is cheez ka koi asar nh huva.
or 15 din ho gye hain kuch bh faida nh huva wo larki bhot maius ho gye thi mene use kaha k Allah par bharosa rakho k inshalla bhot jald kamiyabi hogi 1 month bad wo larki khud mere pass wo larki bhot khush thi or wo mere lye mithai bh lai thi or mujhe kaha k aftab bhai ap us cheez ka asar ho raha he aftab bhai mera shoar namaz nh pharta tha pta nahe kia huva achanak jumme ki namaz pharny k lye chala gya or ahista ahista namaz ki pabandi shuru kardi or mene use kamry me allah se roty huve mafi mangny ki awazy bh sunni he or tamam bury dosto se taluqat khatam kar die or mera or bacho ka bhot khyal rakhta he.
or is ne 1 apne ghar k kareeb state agency khol li he jis se ghar ka kharcha wagera chalata he.

3. Chick of coursed. 

Murgi ka judai wala masan. or mugri k wo jo  2  bachy apas me lar rahe hoty hain or ak dosry ko zakhmi kar dety hain is se do shakso ya 2 couples ki judai ki massan ya khakh tiyar ki jati hai is massan ya khak par talsam Hackel Sulemani saad barh bhar kar in 2 shakso ka name jin me judai karwani he innhe kisi khany wali cheez me massan khila di jati he to in me hamesha k lye judai par jati he ak dosry ki shakal se nafrat par jati he.

4. Murgi ka massan ya khak bemar karne wala.

Usi murgi ka 1 choza ya bacha jo sab se alag 1 jaga para huva he or us k mun se safeed pani nikal raha he wo bemar chozy ki massan kisi admi ko lailaj pechida bimarion me mubtala karne k lye khilaye jati he.

(is sher-wa jadu ka tor ya theek karnay ka tariqa) 

jab is sher zada mariz ko theek karna ya sehat mand karna ho to Talsam Hackel Sulemani ko kisi shed sait me wenesday k din zafran or Ark gulab k pani se likh kar chiny ki paleed par likh kar 7 din tak wo plat pilai jati he wo mariz ya victim allah k hukum se theek ho jata he, Qasus-ul Ambia ek islamic book hai is mein likha hain kay Samry Jadu garh nay peetal ka Gai cow kay bachhray ka putalah banaya tha .or us putlay mein Hazrat Jibrial Alahi salam ki peron ki musaan (khaak) ko Gai kay petal ke bachharay mein daldia jis sey Gai ka bachhra bolne laga tha or aur samri jadu garh  logon ko kehne laga kh is petal ke bachhary ke ebadat karo yeh tumara Khuda hai Samari jadu ghar ko malum tha k farishtay Hazrat Jibrial A.S ke peron ki khaak ya massan mian zbardust qisim ki taqat hai aur is mian kai muqilat hai is leay samari jadu ghar ne wo kaak churai thi.Jab Hazrat Moosa(A.S) Allah ke hokum se samandar mein ke bech   mein janay lagay tu peeche peeche Badsha Firoun  bhi samandar mein   anay la tu Allah ne Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) ko hokum dia k wo bhi Ghoray sawar ki roop me inke peeche peeche jae tu Samari Jadu ghar ne   Hazrat Jibrail (A.S) ki peron ki massan ya khaak ko waha se chura lia tha.  kaha jata he India shirdy city me sain baba 1 rohani buzruk jin ko sain baba kaha jata he wo sain baba k name se phechany jaty hain sain baba hamesha masjid me raha karty thy wo purani masjid me raha karty thy or masjid k 1 kony me mitti ka 1 chola bnaya huva tha is chuly me har waqt agg jalti rheti thi. sain baba kabhi bh us agg ko bujhne nahe dety thy or un k pass hamesha logo ka hujom rheta tha or jab bh koi sai elim kisi masly k lye ata to wo usi chuly se wo khak ya massan is sahil ko dety thy or is massan ko khaty hi wo lailaj bimarian khatam ho jati..

jaise aelopathic homeopathic medicines ke asraat admi kie jisam per
hote hain jo marz virus ko khatam kar dete hain
is tarah masaand ke asraat insani rooh per hote hain
jis tarah science main biology chemistry hote hain isi tarah astrology main
ilm e simia limia himia kimia hote hain
jis tarah zology main janwaron ki reading hoti hai isi tarah ilm e simia main janwaron ki masand ka istemaal hota hai
zology main jis tarah haddiyan ki research hoti hai
masaand main bhi janwaron ki hadiyon or omnos ka istemal hota hai iska talluq zology se hai
na ye kala jadu hai na kuch or
yeh aik genetic energy hai
engineering hai
jaise ke main ne jo muktallif genetic ko mila kar power paida karti hai
jaise ke main ne murgi ki masand main likha hai ke 4 chimgadaron or ababil ke khon or  mukhtalif herbs mila ker aik ink banai jati hai or saath andon per likhi jati hai
yeh teen research se bana hai\
teen virtual se bana hai ilme simia ilm e limia or ilme himia ko mila ker rohani genetic engineering hui
is ko mila kar zabardast qisam ke jadui asraat paida hoe hain
jis tarah kale jadu ke asraat ko khatam karne ke liye kaal e ghore ki naal se healing ki jati hai jo ke kale jadu ke asraat ko khatam kar deti hai
is tarah kaal e ghore ki naal or tanbe se khas qisam ka  bowl tayyar kia jaat hai
jis main khaas masand tayyar ki jati hain

jo ke hudud parinde ke gosht or shark ke gosht  or kuch jari botiyon ko or ababil ke gosht ko mila kar banai jati hain
or is masaand ko banae ke baad saath din tak saiyyara zuhra or taron bhari raat main rakha jata hai
isko amal e tajmeem kaha jata hai or is per saiyyara zhura ki parhai or dawat ki parhai ki jati hai
saiyyara zahura ke bakurat bhi jalae jate hain is se aisa love powder tayyar ho jata hai
ya masaand tayyar ho jata hai jo ke dil o dimag or khayalat ko control karta hai or is se neend main bhi mehboob ki soorat ashiq ko nazar ati hai
\yeh bohat powerfull hoti hai
is masand ke hawale se main aik waqia apko paish karta hon
un dino main main men qanoon ki taleem hasil karta tha sindh law college main un dino kafi teachers or lark-+ian mujhe haath dikhati thin or mashwara mangti thin

or main unko guide kia karta tha\aik din meri class fellow ne mujhe privacy main milne ke liye kaha or mujh se time lia
larkian mujhe haath dikhati thin
or main unko guide kia karta tha  aik din meri class fellow ne mujhe privacy main milne ke liye kaha or mujh se time lia
larki ne bataya ke mera aik larke ke saath 6 saal se affair chal raha hai
or main aik baar us larke se pregnant bhi ho gai thi
or abortion bhi karwa chuki hon
woh larki ne kaha ke main boaht majboor hon meri family mera rishta  mere khandan main karwana chah rahe hain
or jis larke se main muhabbat karti hon woh sindh ke aik zameendar family se talluq rakhti hon
rakhta hai
or larki bohat dari hui thi or buri tarah se phas chuki thi
woh larka apni khandan ki kisi or larki se shaadi karna chahta tha
larkon ki yeh psyche hoti hai ke jab tak larki na hasil ho uske peeche pare rehte hain jaise hi hasil ho jae usko chhor dete hain
 jab larke ki hawas poori ho jati hai to uska interest khatam ho jata hai or woh bahane banane lagta hai
or kehne lagta hai ke ham ache dost rahen ge
or larki larke ke jaal main phas kar apna sab shaadi ki khuahish main qurban kar deti hai or larka kisi kanwari larki se shaadi karne ka soch leta hai
us larki ne itwar ke din mere office yani ghar per ai main ne kaha ke main client se farigh ho kar apse baat karta hon
us larki ne mujhe apne bare main sab batana shuru kiaus larki ne mujhe apni biography batai mere walid retired judge hain or mere 4 bhai hain ham jaddi pushti zameendar hainmera is larke ke saath 6 saal se affair chal raha hai or aik baar is larke se pregnant  bhi ho chuki hon or main ne appni aik dost ki madad se abortion bhi karaya hai ye baat meri family ko nhn maloom.
mere ghar wale meri kahin or shaadi karana chahte hain or jis larke ko main love karti hon woh kehta hai ke main majboor hon mere walid boaht sakht  tabiyat ke malik ain woh meri shadi chacha ki beti se karana chahte hain or main unki baat taal nhn sakta
or ham ache dost  aur dost  ban kar rahen gemain is larkay ke  psyche ko samajh raha tha ke larki pareshan hai or larke ka us se dil bhar chuka tha.
mardon ki psyche hoti hai ke larki hasil ho jati hai to us se physical relation kar lete hain or karne ke baad phir larke bahane karne lagte hain ke ham sirf dost ban kar rahen woh mukhtalif bahane banane lagte haintakey jab dil chahe usey use kar saken
jabke larki us se shaadi karna chahti thi
larki ne kaha ke aftab bhai m,ain ne bohat wazife kiye kai amliyat karae taveezat karae per koi farq nhn para is per kisi amil ke amal ka asar nhn hota.ab to isne mujh se baat bhi karna chhor dia hai or mujh se galat salat baat karta hai
meri dosten kehti hain ke tumhain itne bure insaan ke saath aise relation bananew kiqu??
main us larki per boaht gussa hua ke tumne itna bara gunah kaise kia?tum ne gunah kya hai main tumari koi madad nhai karskta
us larki ne rote hue kaha ke larke ne kalam pak per haath rakh kar qsam khai thi ke woh mujh se hi shaadi kare ga apne maa baap ko shadi kelye agree karwalo ga.
or tum meri biwi ho mera tum per haq hai
us larki ne kaha ke main apko bhai ki tahrah samajhti hon apke bare main boaht kuch suan  k hai hon plz meri madad kijiyemere ghar wale meri shaadi mere khala ke bete se karna chahte hain
or yeh bat jab mere cousin ko pata chale gi to woh na mera ho sake ga na main uski ho sakon gi is tarah hamari zindagi jhannum ban jae gi........??
per main ne usko refuse kar dia ke yeh mamla kale ilm ke bagair nhn ho sakta or main aisa har giz nhn kar sakta yeh gunah hailarki buri tarah hichkiyan le kar ro rahi thi
main pehle hi gunahgaar hon aik or gunah kar lon gi yeh gunah mere dosre gunahon ko halka kar dega
is tarah main sache dil se taubha kar lon gi
main refuse karke jane laga to woh larki boli ke main us larke ke bagair nhn reh sakti
zinda nhn reh paon gi,
usne agle hi pal aik zehar ki shishi apne purse se nikali or penne hi wali thi ke meri wife biwi ne us se shishi chheen liwoh larki buri tarah rone lagimain ne us larki ki madad karne ka faisal kar lia.
waise bhi hadees main hai ke jis ne aik insaan ki zindagi bachai usne poori insaniyat ki zindagi bachai
mere paas aik  Arbic  ki purANI KITAAB HAI
jiska naam hai Amal e harwat marwat us main se aik amal se main ne us larki ki madad ki aisi baten kitabon main batai nhn jatin Aur nhi asi hi batai shar ke jati hai
is main do tarah ke amaal hain do miyan biiwi ya couples ko milana.
or dosre amaal main do mia biwi main talaq Divorce karwana ya judai karwana main ne is Arbic old book main se ek emal nikal kar is larlki ke madad ke.
main ne aik khaas qisam ka powder bana ker us larki ko dia.
us larki ko kaha ke yeh kisi tarah kisi pizza ya burgr main mila kar usey khila dena kisi ko iski khabar na ho
usne kaha ke woh larka phone per mujh se baat nhn karta na milna chahata hai
main ne kaha ke kisi tarah us larke ko bulao or koi bhi attitude karoper bulao or usey khilao us larki ne larke apni ek friend ki madad se as larkay ko msg kia or kaha ke maion akhri baar tumse jee bhar ke pyar karna chahti hon uske baad tum kisi or se shaadi kar loge main kisi or seus ke baad woh larka pizza hut per aya or usne usey pizza khila kar mujhe call pe joshelay andas kaha ke main ne usey powder wala khila dia hai .
kya ab woh mujh se shaadi kare ga???
main ne kaha han inshaallah  .zaror shadi kare ga .
uske baad 15 din guzar gae per kuch nhn hua to wh larki mer paas ai or boli ke main ne apse bohat umeed se rabta kia per kuch nhn hua main ne usey bola ke sabar karo aur apni aupar control karo. Allah ke hukam se 
ho jae ga15 din guzar gae
us larki ne kaha ke larka mujh se milna cahta hai or usne kaha hai ke mujhe tumhare khuab arahe hain or main tumhari taraf ajeeb si kashish mehsoos ho rahi hai tum ao ham dobara se mil kar baharpur tareeke se pyaar karen ge per main ne  usey milne se mana kia or kaha ke kuch din or sabar karo or us larke per se tawajju hata dowoh larka us se baat karne keliye baichain ho raha tha woh larki ne meri baat mani or woh apne gaon chali gai aik hafte ke liye.
jab woh wapis apni ghar par ai to us larke ki call ai usne kaha ke main ne tumse shaadi ke liye apne parents ko mana lia hai or woh tumhare ghar ayen ge yeh sun kar larki khushi se jhoom uthi aur meray ghar par aieor mujhe shukria ada kia ke main pori zindagi is ehsaan ko nhn bholon gi usne mujhe mithai ka dabba bhi dia main ne uske sar per hath rakh ker kaha ke khuda tumhain hamesha khush rakhweor aik maine ke baad un donoc ki shaadi ho gai.
kaale kutte ke bachon ki Massan zayada tar yahudi log istemal karte hain isko arbi main ramad kehte hain iska tareeke kaar yeh hota hai ke jab sayyarah zahul or zohra marekh ka karan hota hai to yahudi log.
6 ya 3 chote kale kutte ke bachon ko mar kar jinki anhken bhi nhn khuli hoti unko mitti ke bartan main daal kar kuch herbs mila kar jala dete hain yeh masaan ya khaak ban jata hai or yeh log usey zaroorat  mand aurton ko de dete hain.
yeh masaan har qisam ke kaam iniostemaal use  hoti hai.
for example 1.kisi shaks ko lailaj bimari main mubtala karna.2.kisi mard ya aura per jinnat musallat kar dena.ke woh usey har waqt pareshan karen aur takleef den 3.kisi mard ya aurat ko apna gulam bananan.
4. do couples ko  ya mian biwi ko  divorce juda karwana larwana
5 .kisi ba haya parda wali larki ko be haya be parda banana.
6 .kisi mard ki nafs bandi karwa dena jaise ke yeh sirf mujh se hi mile or aurton ke paas jae to na mard ban jae.
7 .kisi mard ko na mard banwa dena ya kisi larki ki bandish karwa dena ke uski kabhi shaadi na ho. 8.kisi couple per aisi bandish karwa dena ke sari umar aulaad na ho or ho bhi to mar jae.
is masaan ko khas qisma ke  atar  ya perfume main mila kar bhi rakthe hain aur chalaki ke say jisim par lagadetay ahi. ya is ko qamre main spray karte hainya kisi gair mehsoos tareeke se haath main laga dete hain.
jis se family member sakht quisam ki nahusat ka shikar ho jate hain unka sitara gardish main ajata hai.
is main sakht qisam ki nahusat hoti hai is ka ilaj noorani ilam se nhn ho sakta.
is silsile main aik sacha waqia  ya biography share karta hon.
meri muhalle main aik aurat rehti thi jo parhezgar or parde dar thi aur  bari bahaya thi   larki ki shaadi hogai to woh  apnay parients  ya maa bap se  separate  rehne lagi woh bohat ba haya thi apne shohar or bachon se bohat muhabbat karti thi aik bar aik waqia paish ayaha  k mari gali main aik family ai is family main ek makaar aur chalak wicked women reh ti thi  jis se  is bahaya  aurat ki   muhabbat or dosti ho  gai. jo  bori  aurt worst women thi humare muhalla main ai thi woh bohat chalak makar wicked women thi is ne apni husband ko apni muthi main kar rakha tha aur woh aurat Aamilo aur pandaton se malti rahti thi. Aik din dono aurton main jhagra ho gaya.
kuch dino ke baad dosri chalak aurat ne zahiri tor par  us haya wali aurat se excuse ya mafi mang li per us se badla lene ki than li aur chalak aurt ne kalay kutton ke bachon ki masaan ko us aurat ke jisam par bari  hoshiyari se laga dia. Aur usne us masaan ka perfume bana kar uske ghar par  spray chhirak dia.
Thek aik maine ke baad is parhezgar aurat ne apne shohar ke  bhatijy   najaiaz relation rakh leya  aur husband ke hote hue kai mardon se na jaiz talluqat  rakhna shuru kar diye us se woh har jaga badnaam ho gai
woh is musaan ke asar se aisa  dress libaas phenti or aisi harkaten karti ke sab kan pakarte.iska  husband shohar mera dost hai usne mujhe bataya ke main isko kab ka talaq de chuka hota bachon ki wajah se isko talaq nhn di ap apne ilam se dekh kar bataye yeh aisa kiyu kar rahi hai main ne zaicha bana ker dekha to baat samajh main agaye main ne uske shohar ko kaha ke is se dushmani per kisi  dushman ne is pe sifli amal ka waar kia hai jis ki waja se yeh asi harkate kar rahi hai.........??
uske shohar ne  kaha ke iska koi to  solution ya hal hoga??
mene kaha ke jamshed bhai jadu ke zariye bore log gandhe or bore kam lete han same is tarah jadu ke zariye ache best kam bhi liye  ja sakhte han.
1:Jadu ke zariye la ilaaj bemariyon ka ilaaj keya ja sakhta hai,ya husband wife me divorce hone wali ho ya do couples me judai par gai ho un ko melaya ja sakhta hai,ya ise larkiyan jenki shadi me bandeesh par gai ho in ki shadi ki  bandish ko khatam kiya ja sakhta hai.ishe koi aurat jo jadu ke zariye behaya ban gaye ho us ko haya daar banaya ja sakhta hai tu jamshed bhai me aise sare kam karta hon etc .
mene is ke shohar ko kaha me is ka rohani ilaaj zaror karoga mere kehene par is ka husband is ko apne ghar le aya or me iska rohani ilaaj karne laga mene isko wolf ka talisman pehenaya or is ko gedar singhi {Jackal horn} rakhne ko diya or mene is aurat talsam heekal khatim sulemani 7 din takh cheeni plate par arak o gulab zafaraan se likh kar or gedar singhi maga kar is aurat ki choti ungli ke nakhun ko is me dal kar bed ke neche rakh diya or 21 days ke bad Allah ke hokam se jadu ke asrat khatam hone lage or wo aurat phele jese ba haya or  bakardar ban gaye or pher wo famliy karachi city shift ho gaye kiyu ke wo aurat bohat badnam ho choki thi or ye the is kale kote ke bashon ke   masan ke asrat.
white horse shoe zabardast kesam ke mukhfi asrat wala talisman hai jo ke pori world duniya me mana jata hai.Jin husband or wife ki shadi hone wali ho un ko ye talisman apne pass rakhna  chahiye or wo husband wife zindagi bhar piyaar or muhabat se rehete han.

husband or wife me jitna piyaar or muhabat hota hai tu khandaan me koch kufya dushman aise bhi hote hai jo andar he andar se gatiya chale chalte han. wo chahate han ke husband wife me judai ya misshap hojaye.white horse shoe in sab ki chalo se protection deti hai .Or kufya dushman na umeed ya disappointed hojate han or is talisman ko ghar me rakhne se ghar khushhal hojata hai.
Jis husband ko doubt hai ke us ki wife ka kese gheer murd se afair hai us talisman ko pass rakhne se is shaks ki wife aise behooda harkaat nhn kar sakhegi or is ke relationship  me bandish par jayegi or apne husband ki ban kar rahegi. 

aur koi larka kese larki se muhabat karta ho aur us larki se shadi karna chahata ho aur larki razi na ho tu us larke ko ye karna  chaheye ke white horse shoe par larki aur larki ki mother ka name aur apna aur apni mother ka name larki ki pic aur apni pic ko white horse shoe talisman par laga kar green dhage se lapeet kar  apne bedroom me shupa kar kahe rakhde aur larki ki muhabat ka imagine   tasawar karke sojaye tu is tarah larki ko muhabat ki feeling hone lagegi aur is hi  tarah agar koi larki kesi larke se shadi karna chahati ho or larke ko aisi koi feeling na ho tu larki bhi ye amal kar sakhti hai. 
agar apka koi court me koi legal meter hai tu jo kafi arse se chal raha hai tu is  talisman ko pas rakhne se aur seyara zohal,zodiac saturn ka sadka dene ke bad ye talisman apne pas rakhne se mukadme,court ka fesla apke hak me hoga aur gawah jhuti gawahye na dae  sakhega 
aur agar ap koi business karte han aur apka koi business mein  koi partner hai aur apko pata hai ke wo apko dhoka deraha hai tu white horse shoe talisman me us shaks ka name aur iski  mother ka name iski pic par likh kar talisman me laga kar white  dhaga lapeet kar asi khofiya jaga par rakha jaye is shaks ki nazar na paray tu wo shaks is talisman ki barkat sincere rahega.
likhna tu me aur bhi bohat kuch chahata hon par ik undekhi taqat ne mera kalam ruk deya hai.
abhi me apna topic yaha par khatam karta hon.aur agar ap ko lucky White horse shoe ki  zarorat hai  to ap   mujay se contact kar kar kay  mangwa saktay hai ya white horse ke banay hoay Talismanic Rings ya Nails ya aur kisi talisman ke zarorat ho to ap mujh say mangwa saktay hai .
agar apko kese bhi  kesam ka koi masla problems  ya parishani Allah na kari Anxiety ya ap bari bhai ya bozaragh ke hesiyat  absolutely free  share kar saktay whatsapp 03043878209 ya E-mail aftab 6429@gmail.com   .rehmation  aur barkatian ho ap sub par Allah meharban ke jo sub kar mhearban hai.
ap  ka bhai 
Dr Aftab Ahmed.

1 comment:

  1. koi diseasesCommon Koi Fish Diseases · Ich (parasites) · Dropsy (bacteria) · Flukes (worms) · Fin Rot (bacteria) · Anchor Worm (worms) · Fungus · Fish Lice (parasites) · Trichodina
